May 31, 2011

Kudos to our TAFA Market

Real joy comes not from ease or riches 
or from the praise of men, 
but from doing something worthwhile.

-- Wilfred Grenfell

And what could be more worthwhile than providing a venue for others to display the labors of their love?  The whole world is indebted not only to those that make, but those that share and appreciate what has been made.

It keeps us connected. 

That's what Rachel at Rayela Art has done 
in putting together the TAFA Market. 

Few people understand the beauty of the handmade better than she, and few people would have what it takes to put something like this together while simultaneously balancing all the other responsibilities inherent in inventing and running TAFA (not to mention her numerous creative pursuits!).

(Well done, Rachel.)

Susan M. Hinckley
Small Works in Wool

1 comment:

  1. Oops! Looks like this post got lost in the shuffle... Thanks for the good wishes, Susan! We have a video on how the market went. All of you can watch it here:

    And, thanks for the nice things you said about me. TAFA would not be what it is without each of you! The sum of the parts makes a beautiful total!


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