June 15, 2011


Spring Into Action-Get Inspired!

Spring has come late to Oregon this year, where I live. It’s been a wetter and colder than usual winter. But the garden is starting to awaken from the long winter. And are we too. People are outside now, walking the dog, in the park with the kids & mowing the grass..

What does this have to do with fiber art you may ask? Inspiration of course! Even if landscapes or flowers aren’t the subject matter of items you make or sell, we need to awaken, just like the little plants need to waken after a long cold winter.

Spring has the power to stir us to more activity, to get us up and moving and doing. Now that has a big impact on our work, from creating more products, to working harder than ever to make your shop or website better & more productive. To try to implement all those great suggestions for new improvements & methods to sell yourself and your work more effectively.

Contrary to the old movie line, “If you build it, they will come", nope just not true. We’ve got to make it happen, make ourselves known, improve our business, market more effectively.. then they’ll come. Hard work, but wonderful, beautiful, renewing, spring gets us up off those couches and ready for action! So enjoy a little of what spring offers us and be inspired to be better than ever!

If you'd like to see more, check out my this post on my blog "A Walk In the Spring Garden" at

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous flowers, Barb!

    It's hot and humid, full-fledged summer here in Kentucky...


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